The barriers a person has in becoming a productive citizen to provide for themselves and their families are the same barriers a person has in becoming an elected advocate for their community. As a society we have attempted to make strides against discrimination based on a variety of characteristics. However, here we are in 2019 with a long way to go before achieving a true sense of equity for all and equality in government representation. Believe it or not, being a woman or being a person of color are still natural attributes that may be viewed as a hindrance. Now, putting those two characteristics together, it can be twice as difficult for a woman of color in politics. That is why the mission and goals of the WOKE PAC are so important. The WOKE PAC not only works to ensure there is diversity amongst elected officials, but it also supports individuals who understand the differences that exist within communities and will fight for policies and resources that will uplift all neighborhoods with an emphasis on the most marginalized persons. I stand with the WOKE PAC on doing better for our communities by electing true advocates for social justice.

As a lifelong progressive, my perspective on PACs was colored by the NRA and others that have been antithetical to my values, to social justice. My vision of power was colored by those PACs and the people it succeeded in getting elected as well as its negative impacts on our country, communities, and culture. Over time and with more experience, I learned the differences between the power-over norm to which we are accustomed and a power-with organizational model, which has been the backbone of the most successful movements throughout history.

What does that have to do with WOKE PAC? I believe that is at the heart of WOKE PAC’s promise. WOKE PAC seeks to use the potency of the PAC structure and turn it on its end – diversifying progressive movements in greater Rochester as well as our elected representation to reflect the agendas of women and people of color. That is a noble effort, which will require comprehensive investment and inputs from like minded people in our community, especially women of color.

With WOKE PAC, Robin is disrupting the status quo. Too often, the voices of women of color get trampled on by a patriarchal governmental structure. In order to usher in long-term, sustainable change, it is important that we are in positions to influence policy and legislation. WOKE PAC provides an opportunity to begin this work of amplifying underrepresented voices by closing an oppressive economic gap. As a politician, Robin understands the ins and out of the political climate. As a Black woman, she recognizes the need for representation. Although women of color, specifically Black women, are a political force who vote in high numbers we see our freedoms being diminished every day. The threat to humanity requires the election of women of color who will fight for our rights. As Shirley Chisolm said, “If they don’t give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair.” WOKE PAC will create those opportunities for more women of color to be part of the change that will benefit society as a whole.